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Video Production major. From China. Have been in the U.S. for 4 years.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Assignment 4A

Brainwashed by Seth Godin

The article introduces seven layers of reinventing ourselves after we are brainwashed. The two I am going to talk about is Acknowledging the Lizard and Make Art

The layer of Acknowledging the Lizard is mainly about how we ignore the resistance, which is our "fear" in our mind. It is absolutely true that when we are threatened or in an very bad situation, our mind will direct us to be "safe" first rather than taking a risk to challenge the the resistance. Here Godin teaches us that we should know what is the threat and the problem first and find a way to get rid of or just ignore those, so that our brian will work much better in creative world.

The second layer I think is interesting is the layer of Make Art. The art here is not the art art we learn in school like drawings, Godin explains his "art" means the thing will change everything. We are taught from article to take more risks to creating things. We can freely think, create, and interact with others. He also give examples that the people may not understand what is a piece of art means as the creator can, but that is the risk people should try. That is the beauty of art.

The question of the relationship between these two layers and this blog I create this quarter, actually, I think there are some connections among them. Right now I am making art as I am creating everything single new ideas in the blog. Even though this is not the way that we interact with others at the certain point, this is still classified as social network. Honestly, I think these blog assignments are too much. Even though we have two whole weeks to do these four blogs, not many people will start until the day even the night before the due time. Within in 24 hours which eliminate the time of class, sleep, eat, and other works, these are too much for me, at least. I know this is my personal problem, I should start the very early. I think if the blog is one per week is much better to balance our times on these blogs for me. This is my own thoughts about the blogs, and I probably need start working on next blogs as early as possible, so I won't stay up late to finish at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection Christina. ANd thanks for being honest about the blogs! However, you're right. If you get started on the entries a little bit earlier than the day before, you'll probably find that they aren't too much. They're supposed to be a place for you to express yourself freely without being constrained to the limitations one usually finds when writing a term paper (which you don't have to do for this class) - pretty fair trade, I think!
