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Video Production major. From China. Have been in the U.S. for 4 years.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

14 Ways of to get Breakthrough Ideas

14 Ways to get Breakthrough ideas by Mitch Ditkoff

This article is mainly about how to get a creative idea for innovations. He introduces 14 different ways that can get the idea more easily. In each suggestion, he gives us some examples on famous people that get their ideas in strange ways. Some suggestions we may have known and use already, and some of them we may have used but did not know what exactly called. Every individual person have their own way to get ideas. These 14 ways probably are not only ones to come up a new idea, because the human brain can be explore much more that we don’t know of. There are three of them I know the best and would like to talk about: 
Listen to your subconscious
I have used this way of getting ideas, and I think this is a good suggestion. Most of time, my dream is completely off from my own track of my life but still could happen in real world. Some of them I can remember and try to write them down because I think it will become a break point in the future. This one is actually very helpful. I believe that human brain can be most functional when it does not need do anything other than imagine and explore more new ideas. My brain could get so crazy that I could not believe how that would happened in my mind. This way does not necessary just occur in dreams while I sleep, I can also get when I stare at one point and become empty, because that is when the brain rests. In the future, when I work with more and more creative people and the field becomes more competitive, my crazy dreams might become a breaking point. From now on, I should record every single subconscious spark when my brain is resting. 
Take a Break
If the one above is getting ideas, I think this one may apply to the progress of something. As I said before, brain will work best when it does not do anything, so when I become stuck in the middle of a project, I should take a break like get something to drink or to go out to see a movie. When a person is very concentrate on what he is doing, he may easily ignore some important parts which he will discover when he is off for a moment. I like take a break, or I could say I always take a break. Sometimes I may fall in asleep, talk to my friends or get lunch or dinner. After I come back from break, I can observe something new and work more efficiently. For my own creative life, this will be the same technique for keeping myself on the right and more creative track on my project. 
Hang Out with Diverse Groups of People
I have much to say about this suggestion because I am experience this right now. I know the diverse is not necessary about nationalities and ethnic groups, but being a international student, I have learnt so much from Americans since I first come here. I have learnt not only just different background or eduction system, but the way I look at things. After I come to the U.S., I can think the problems in more angles, see people in different was other than appearance and come up an idea more easily. Even though I can meet many different people in China, they still have some in common with me. In contrast, Americans are totally different from me, language, background, culture, and education everything is different. The only common things between me and them when I first come here was the music, Jacky Chan and Bruce Lee, the age and don’t like homework. Now, because I have communicated with them and learn from them for a long time, I have more common things that we can seat down at a coffee shop and talk about. Not only Americans, but also includes those international student from other countries. Lucky me of these experiences, I become easily talk to people that different from me, which means everybody, but with some same interests. In the creative life, sometimes the idea may come from a friend that so different me. I always want to make a movie or short on certain people I know and have very interesting life stories. I believe everyone on the earth have story that could be made for a movie, so to meet diverse people is a great way to start. 
Prompt #12: What “failed experiment” or unexpected outcome might be interesting for you to reconsider? Who else might you invite to participate in this effort?
I haven’t have much “failed experiment” in this creative field, but I always want to do two things: to make a film of my host mother and to make a film or animation based on my favorite fictional gay story. First my host mother in Philadelphia, because she and her neighbor's story were so amazing that I think I should use my own way to tell their story. The second one about the gay story, I want to do this because I think love can conquer everything, no matter age, nationality, ethnic group, and gender. I think two handsome man together is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. Although there is more and more people accept gays, and there are many gay movies, I just want do it myself. There is a certain way to express things, like musician can play their favorite songs, the artiest can draw their favorite subject, and I can make a movie that based on my favorite things. The people I might invite would be people that interested in. I know some of my friends think the same with me, but everybody is too little to complete a project herself, I think I could organize them someday and make a movie we like.  

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