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Video Production major. From China. Have been in the U.S. for 4 years.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Espanol homework 2

Si yo fuera un multimillonario.

Yo pienso mucho para personas en pobreza. Si yo fuera un multimillonaria, yo empezaría las firmas para los personas pobre en muchos lugares pobres. En las firmas, adolescentes podrían trabajar y gasta dinero  para sus familias. Yo no quiero darles mi dinero apenas, porque ellos pensarían el dinero es regalos y ellos esperarían y no haría nada. Yo quiero ellos comprender que trabajar es muy importante y necesario. Ellos podrían pagar los gastos de ellos y sus familias. Yo tendría los seguros de médico y pensión para ellos. Ellos trabajaría mismo que los otra firmas, nueve de la mañana a cinco de la tardes de los lunes a viernes, y ellos tendría vocaciones tambien. Si ellos no saben los trabajos, yo puede entrenarse.

Para los niños, yo empezaría las escuelas que cerca de los firmas si fuera un multimillonaria. Los padres y sus hijos pueden ir a trabajo y escuela juntos. Las escuelas son gratis si sus padres paguen impuestos. Si no paguen impuestos, ellos necesitan pagar para sus hijos, pero no necesitan mucho. Las escuela tendría jardín de infancia a escuela secundaria, porque los educaciones temperos son muy importante para los niños. Posible yo tendría las universidad por las culturas diferentes. Pero yo animo los niños que ir las universidad mejor en la ciudad o otras lugares.

Yo consideraría primo que empezar los firmas y escuelas en china porque hay muchas personas pobres y lugares pobres. No quiero darles dinero apenas a los personas porque, uno, ellos necesitan trabajar para sus familias, y dos, gobiernos tienen que comprobar los dineros. Después de comprobar, los dineros no son cantidades mismas que cuando yo les dijo. En los lugares pobres en china, los niños no tiene tan más educaciones como los niños en las ciudades. Este plan es perfecto para los padres y los hijos por estudiar cosas nueves y estudiar más conocimientos.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Espanol homework

Hace tres meses me enfermé. Estaba enferma en la semana segundo de la trimestre pasado. No comprendí por que me enfermé, pero adivino la situación fue muy simple. Tomaba la clase de patinaje en la trimestre pasado. La trimestre fue invierno. Fue muy frío y nevó mucho . Después de la clase, yo sudé y me fue inmediatamente. Por ultimo, me enfermé. Tenía fiebre y catarro en casi diez días. Me duele la cabeza y la garganta y tosí. Yo no tuve energía. Y yo dormí mucho, pero yo tuve que asistí las clases. Me no sentía bien. No fue a medíco pero pensé que fue no la enfermendad grande. Yo pedí la medicina de mi amigo porque ella fue de China y traje mucho medicina de China. Tomaba la medicia de mi amigo, y bebía la agua cliente. Después diez dias, me recuperé. Pero ya me duele la garganta en tres or cuatro días próxima. No me gusta enfermedad mucho, porque me siento muy malo.

Friday, March 11, 2011

** Final one!!! Ten Manifesto

1. Know as many perspective in sociology, psychology, humanities and all the history and art. More knowledge better.

2. Write down dreams if you can remember when you wake up, in dream, the brain works better. (I think)

3. Bring a little notebook, and write down some inspiration that come to the mind suddenly.

4. Talk to people!!

5. Always have a camera, DSLR or just a cellphone. Capture everything you see that are interesting. Everyday a frame is better.

6. Enjoy what you are doing, you don't have time complaining, and you have to do it anyway.

7. Travel!! Every break go to a new place, maybe just for 2 or 3 days. Try not find any travel agency. If you have friend there is better. If not, ask natives where is the best represent the place. You will never be a part of the society, but try!!

8. Be positive!! Be Optimistic!!! This is common, but I still have to say. Smile with heart other just move face muscles.

9. Don't care too much about little things, like people gossiping about you. As long they don't touch base line.

10. Most Importantly!!! Be healthy!!! Be safe!!!! Life is everything!!! Without life, things above or other creative stuff just nothing!!!

10A Freak factor

Freak Factor

This article is about the uniqueness of weakness and strength, and whether or not we should change our weakness. David Rendall, the author try to persuade reader to spend the time to build on the natural strength rather than waste time on change the weakness which it does not change anyway. Because no one is perfect, weakness is the point that make each individual different from others instead of strength. He discusses 9 points of whether or not change weakness and how weakness is unique. I think all of the suggestions are valid. I agree all of them. When I was in China, I could always see people criticized others on their weakness, sometimes even humiliate, especially parents to their children. I thought they just want their children to face their weakness and try to change it, so in the future, they won't get more painful from others like the bosses and colleagues. In the article, I learned that weakness is not a bad thing. As he said that is not our fault that we carry our weakness with us, because we can't choose our fate. Since that is part of us, as long as we don't try to worsen the weakness, that is a natural beauty of every individuals. However, instead of just let the weakness go, I suggest that we could improve some and watch out in case it get worse some day.

I will choose numbers 5, 6 and 7 to discuss deeper.

#5: Build on strength.

The whole article is to persuade people don't change weakness, but how we become more outstanding without changing the weakness? Build on strength!! That is what Rendall suggests. I think it is true, too. First, we have to find out and know what our strength is. The strength may occur by accident. If we try really hard to find the strength, we might lost what we got before and wasting more time. After find the strength, strengthen the strength!! (A lot strength.) For me, my weakness is lack interests in reading, but I will get information when I listen to an audio and watch a video. Because I want to work in television and film, but I did not know much artist since I don't watch too much, the only way I can know a artist better and remember them is to start watching movies and televisions. I found that really works for me. After I watch a movie, I will do some research on the actors and actress and the directors.

#6: You can’t do both.

“Do both” here means to change the weakness and build on strength at the same time. It is impossible!! That is why he said “you can’t.” The weakness and strength is relative and related, they exist together. As the example of Wal-mart and Target in the article, if we change the weakness, the strength will change relatively. If we try to do it together, we will lost more than just focusing on one. I think a lot of people can only focus on one thing at time. I could not think of a example for my creative process, but I can provide a example from my life experience. I came to the United States when I was 13 and half, and I always think that what will happen if I don’t come or come 3 years later. The strength of coming here early is learn English faster and be more independent on taking care of myself, but the weakness is I become more apart from people that still in my country or those who just come to the U.S. It does not matter if I agree or not on some of their perspective, sometime I feel like I am out of their conversations a lot of the time, and I have much less time be around with my family and friends. Now if I stayed in China or come 3 years later, the strength and weakness will be opposite. There is not much I can to get both strength.

#7: Find the Right Spot

This is absolutely true!!! The strength is more capable when it meet the right place. A guy who is good at designing, he won’t be as shinning on working in government as in a designing office. In this class we have video, audio, game, animation and management students. For example, for the project of music, audio people will know better than animation people. However, In the article, Rendall discussed that we should find a right spot for our weakness. I think this also will happen in accident. Like the example that states in the article, Rudolph the red-know Reindeer were discovered by Santa Clause in a normal day, the only difference is the day is a foggy Christmas day. I was always told that I should read more books other than watch television (back in China). However, after several years, my weakness of always watching television become a strength that would help me in my future career.

In creative process, the strength I found out is I can come up with tons of stuff if I have a base idea, and at the same time, my weakness is it take a lot of time to come up that idea. I think that because I am lack of knowledge of a lot stuff. That is why my father always tell me that I have to read literature and humanity based books!!

9B Collapsus


Assignment 9A ( I should have something interesting, but...)

So, this one is the last critique/reflection/blog, whatever you like to call it, about the last project: Video Game Design!!!!

Honestly, I kind of forget what we have talked about in class. I will try my best to recall of the details from last week.

Anyway, First of all, I think the one of the weak parts of the presentation is we did not well prepare for the presentation, because we just got together did the powerpoint. In our meeting on Thursday, we had a lot of good ideas but we didn't prepare to present to the class, like the story. I think audience did not get the story very well. When we did the powerpoint, we mainly focused on the criteria on the grading sheet other than do a real pitch presentation.  So, basically the game we came up with is a horror survival game. This player wakes up in a jungle and he can only sees things right in front of his face. The player has to find a way out from his current place and escape from all the monsters. He does not have any weapon. Only things that save him from dying is keep the lantern light (which scares the monster away) and find food, water and a place to sleep.

I think we focused more about on mechanics and rules other than the story itself. I mean we did not talk about what will happen if he finds way out of jungle. My idea was when he is out he is in another setting. Eric's idea was after all the surviving and escaping, there will be a huge glass ball, which when the player try to find the end, he discovers it just a circle. Eric also thinks in the beginning of the game, he wakes up in a lab that he is treated for a scientific experimentation. In addition, we have the pick up object and use the object control, but we did not talk about the objects that the player may pick up, except food and drink. I don't know if we talked about the weapon we may give to player at certain point or not, but we discussed in the meeting. However, all of these great idea we did not come across in the presentation.

Another weakness I think is we didn't get each point as clear as we could. For example, in the presentation, the rules we talked about are very basic, which makes the game seems easy. I think we should have more rules, more powerful rules for the game. For the sound and the guide, we just gave 3 examples and briefly presented. Because the vision of the game will be very dark, the players has to react most depending on the sound. This I think is the most important part of the game, but we did not get much detail on this.

The hardest thing of the designing the game is come up with rules, because along the game, we have to think of thousands of possibilities, and along these possibilities, there will be thousands of different rules. The basic ones are easy, like in our game, the rule of keep the sanity and health level. However, if we really going to develop this game, the rules are still the hardest. For example, if we have the player to pick up a object, there will be the rules of the object: how many times he can use and where he use; if there are different types of monsters, how fast the player has to run away from the monster or how much oil he should have to keep the lantern light and the monsters away, etc. I think the game design is much harder than make a movie and a television show.

Overall I think this presentation could be much better if we put a lot effort in it. We also should be more enthusiastic so that the game will be more attractive!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Assignment 8B

I really like all heros and villain. I can't decide whether they are below me or above me because every one is creative. But!! I have to my homework!! So, here we go:

The first group I am going to critique is the hero and villain of Mike and Chad. Obviously I am going to talk about contrast in colors. They choose different hue: red vs. yellow/purple, and different color schemes: monochromatic vs. complementary. For the watermelon man (I don't know the name), because he is only in red hue (exclude the little green), the saturation is different in the face and the hand and the tone which differentiates the different part of the body. The brightness, here darkness fit the most, the darkness of the color the artist choose the black. This shows the character’s darkness inside his heart. Compare to the villain, hero that in yellow shows he is very energetic and willing to fight with darkness. the brightness on his body separates the face and create a 3D feel. The purple cloak provide information about the hero’s characteristics, and also contrasts with the villain. In affinity, they are all fruit (Obviously!!). Because the similar styles, they are in the same world. I think it is very creative that they choose the fruit rather than human being. Banana and watermelon are perfect for contrast of color. I wonder why don’t they choose apple. Maybe watermelon has seed that can be weapon? Mike and Chad have done very nice job!!

The one about lighting I choose Emily and Adam’s characters, because I think they, especially Emily, applies the light brilliantly just by color pencil. In the picture that Emily drew, the main light shows on the villain’s face, which drag audience’s attention to the character, which is the main purpose. She also provide actual light comes from the traffic lights and road lights. Even though there is a sharp light on the villain’s face, the shadows and darkness of the costume express she is antagonist, which is supposed be bad. For the hero, he doesn’t have a background, but he specified the shadow. I think those shadows are always ignored when we are drawing. He is very detailed on the shadow under the hair, under the cloak and on the ground. However, compared to the villain, this character has much less symbol and mood just look at the lighting. The mood is presented by the pose of this character, which shows him is an unhappy and mess guy. In addition, their styles are very different, or I can say the hero and villain have nothing in common. I think they should have something that is same to show they are in the same world. But!!! I love the drawings!!!

Sam and Colin's animation

Finally!!! Sam and Colin’s animations don’t contain a story like many people do, but I choose to critique theirs because this one is focus on movement. Because they want to contrast from each other, the hero moves straight while the villain moves irregularly. The hero walk straightly, fly straightly, and when he turns, he turns in 90 degree angle. In contrast, the villain moves unexpectedly, sometimes straight, sometimes around. When the hero get ready to fly, he squashes when he bend down and sketches when he is walking in the end of the animation. The villain, however, flies around instead of walking, his weight shows when he sees a target and try to speed up. In the animation, they don’t have overlapping movements, because the drawings are very simple. I think it is really hard to have overlapping movement. I have to be careful on two or more object moving. But!!!! This animation is very well done!!! ( I think I put this after every essay)

This is it for the animations and characters. I choose them not because they are below me, is because I have something to critique. Everyone has done FABULOUS job!!!!!

SuuuuuuperrrrrrPowwwwer!!!!!! (8A)

Iron Fist
Superpower: Chi

Blog Assignment 7

I posted videos in early posts.

The two videos are different genres and have different styles. They both have music throughout the story, but in the second video, instead of the background like the first one, it is more like leitmotif for the characters. Furthermore, the first video is in color while the second one is in black and white. Within these two videos, there are both contrast and affinity in movement and lines.

For the movement, both videos definitely have left and right movement, I mean the movement of the characters within in the frame. However, in contrast, the second video have more in and out movement than the first one. In the first video, only when the boy gets up and leaves the room and the girl walks out from elevator has the in and out movement. In the second one, more in and out movement appears when the girl come down from the stairs, walk toward the boy and leaves the boy. In addition, in the second video, there are more movements in general than the first video, which subconsciously shows that the characters in the second movement are more energetic. Since it is supposed to be a silent movie, the movement tells story other than dialogue.

Two videos manipulate lines differently. In the beginning of the video #2, the stair rails point to the main character and her head is in the square window, so the main focus is on her. When she is on the bench, the lines of bench point up to the girl’s face. Because the shots in second video are most two shot and over the shoulder, the virtual  lines from the characters’ eyes show they are looking at each other. In the first video, only when the girl comes out from the elevator are two shot, others all close up when they are having conversation. The virtual lines from characters to the end of the frame is  longer. For example, when the girl looks at left, she is in right side of the frame, and the boy is opposite. This shows the two characters are not right next to each other, and the lines shows that they are face to each other.

Both videos are cool, because this is the first time we work together, but no one ruins the team atmosphere. I think next time we can have more footages before we wrap up, because when I edit the second one, many of them are repeating, you can see.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Lovely Coach, Eric Williams, RAPPED in the class!!!

I only have last part of it. This is only for MDIA 203 class people. Ask Eric if you want to show in other place!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Assignment 5B

Just ignore Chinese subtitles. 

Sorry I forget to post this yesterday. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Blog Assignment 5A

I chose the picture by Ben Gossens. I don't what the picture called, but I think is "Woman prays in the shell," maybe. I chose this picture to reframe because this is a picture that only contain one "subject" at the foreground compare to others. If this fram is part of a movie, people may want to see what is going on in that shell other than to see the houses. In this picture, the subject is literally in the middle of the frame, that drag more attention to the woman and the "room." In addition, the lines of window point to the woman, so that the first second I look at the frame is look at the woman. There are also lines in the sky direct the attention to the shell, .

I zoom in on the whole "room" instead of whole shell is because I want to see more detail inside other than background. The original frame has more lines and shapes that in someway distract the attention from the woman even though there are some pointing lines to her. In contrast, the original frame has both flat and deep space when the second one only have a deep space. The affinity of deep space is in the shell, and the black color shows that there's more space toward inside. 

The artist chose to a long shot that includes the background is because he want to show the contrast between the normal world and the world in shell. All of the houses and and floor are straight lines and shapes are squares, triangles and rectangles. Compare to all the straight lines, when I got a close up on the room, there are pretty much all curvilinear lines and shapes are irregular. Consciously when we look at the first frame we will see the shell is so different and wired in the middle of the frame. Subconsciously we will think that they are in different world. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Assignment 3B

Soundscape Critique

Chad Vasquz's soundscape

Sam Binning's Soundscape

Adam Cesarz

Critique on Soundscape 1

Critique on Soundscape 2

Blog Assignment 4A

Brainwashed by Seth Godin

The article introduces seven layers of reinventing ourselves after we are brainwashed. The two I am going to talk about is Acknowledging the Lizard and Make Art

The layer of Acknowledging the Lizard is mainly about how we ignore the resistance, which is our "fear" in our mind. It is absolutely true that when we are threatened or in an very bad situation, our mind will direct us to be "safe" first rather than taking a risk to challenge the the resistance. Here Godin teaches us that we should know what is the threat and the problem first and find a way to get rid of or just ignore those, so that our brian will work much better in creative world.

The second layer I think is interesting is the layer of Make Art. The art here is not the art art we learn in school like drawings, Godin explains his "art" means the thing will change everything. We are taught from article to take more risks to creating things. We can freely think, create, and interact with others. He also give examples that the people may not understand what is a piece of art means as the creator can, but that is the risk people should try. That is the beauty of art.

The question of the relationship between these two layers and this blog I create this quarter, actually, I think there are some connections among them. Right now I am making art as I am creating everything single new ideas in the blog. Even though this is not the way that we interact with others at the certain point, this is still classified as social network. Honestly, I think these blog assignments are too much. Even though we have two whole weeks to do these four blogs, not many people will start until the day even the night before the due time. Within in 24 hours which eliminate the time of class, sleep, eat, and other works, these are too much for me, at least. I know this is my personal problem, I should start the very early. I think if the blog is one per week is much better to balance our times on these blogs for me. This is my own thoughts about the blogs, and I probably need start working on next blogs as early as possible, so I won't stay up late to finish at the same time.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Assignment 3A

Compare and contrast Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton and Khalil Fong

Original: (1977) Written by Eric Clapton, and Produced by Glyn Johns

Cover: Written by Eric Clapton, Arranged by Khalil Fong, Produced by Edward Chan, Charles Lee and Khalil Fong

This song, Wonderful Tonight is a very famous song that has been covered by many people. I chose to compare Khalil Fong to the original artist, Eric Clapton. At the same time the tempo, melody and lyrics are the same, the timbre of the voice, layers of instruments and the way they sang and are totally different that make the song have different style.
Subconsciously, both singers sang the song like telling a story of a couple goes out a party and expressed the how much they loved each other. Also the lyrics can tell us the images of this story.  As listening to the song consciously, there are a short movie goes around in my mind: everything the singer sang becomes slower because of the slow tempo: she brushes her hair slowly, they get out the car slowly and they danced in the party slowly. In affinity, the melodies of both songs are in major and wide range. Because is a cover, the melody does not change much or at all.
In contrast, because they are different people, their voice is certainly totally different. More specifically about the voice is the timber. Both of their voices are perfect for the song, but different timber of their voice make the songs’ emotions turn out very differently. Clapton’s voice is older and raucous like and feels like very wide while Fong’s voice is younger and more like focused on a point. As result, The  couple in Clapton’s version has been married for a long time, been through many difficulties and still very love each other, and they can’t be apart as they are each other’s soul mate; the couple in Fong’s version, however, they are younger and seems like they just got together and they are in the most excited part of each other’s life. Maybe is the years of recorders because Clapton’s song was recorded in 1977. Additionally, Clapton’s version have accompanied female voice in the background while Fong sang the song all by himself along with the accompanied instruments. 
Actually, even though two versions sounds almost identical, they are different kinds: Clapton’s is rock genre and Fong’s is R&B genre. Consequently, if we listen very closely and listen a few times, the ways they sang are slightly divergent. When Clapton sang the original one, some part of his lines have been twisted a little bit and some notes are connected. On the other hand, Fong sang the song as the rhythm goes, like he sang the syllables on the beat while Clapton sometimes sang before the beat. Also, some of their ending phrase were sung differently: Fong have stress on the end of the phrases which Clapton does not. For instruments, the songs have different layers of instrument, and have different sources. There are more layers in Clapton’s song than in Fong’s. The original version has beats, a small part of electric sound, and used different drums while the cover only have an electric guitar, guitar and the drum. 
If I just listen to these two songs for fun, I would not see these differences and similarities between them, because they just sound same except the singers are different. I like the cover better, because for me, this song should be very quiet and calm. Clapton’s version has too much layers which the song become a little noisy with the beats and electric sounds. In contrast, Fong expresses the quietness and calmness perfectly. This is what I feel right now because I am tired. Maybe sometime I will like the original better when I have more energy. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog 2: Find your Howl

Find your Howl by Johathon Flaum

The story is about a protected rare kind of wolf, read wolf, try to find a Howl. The red wolves became vanished so people feed them in a cage and these wild wolves' howls were lost. Mumon is one of the red wolf that tries to go out in the forrest to find the howl. In the journey, he became like a real wolf to hunt for the food, but he had the dilemma about killing others to be survived. The ironic thing is he felt ashamed after he eat and what end up become his power in his body. He then begin running and running, he doesn't feel exhausted. When he was shot by the farmer lately, he finally find his howl. He feels himself differently, the freedom. He paid same amount to find himself the freedom.

Flaum tries to give us a message we need found us the most important thing in our lives, but at the same time, we should pay same amount to find such thing. We may become a different person, or we may lose some other important things in our lives. We may hurt the people around us and love us, and at the same time, we get hurt, too. Sometimes we may choose not too find the howl because who knows what will terribly happen, but instead to do something so valuable, we would waiting to be feed every day and the die with a lot of regret. Flaum tells that even we know the road in front of us is very hard, we should go for it, and we will find something surprised in another end.

Now, here is the recording for my favorite poem and some thoughts:

This is the link to box.net

Audio Assignment

14 Ways of to get Breakthrough Ideas

14 Ways to get Breakthrough ideas by Mitch Ditkoff

This article is mainly about how to get a creative idea for innovations. He introduces 14 different ways that can get the idea more easily. In each suggestion, he gives us some examples on famous people that get their ideas in strange ways. Some suggestions we may have known and use already, and some of them we may have used but did not know what exactly called. Every individual person have their own way to get ideas. These 14 ways probably are not only ones to come up a new idea, because the human brain can be explore much more that we don’t know of. There are three of them I know the best and would like to talk about: 
Listen to your subconscious
I have used this way of getting ideas, and I think this is a good suggestion. Most of time, my dream is completely off from my own track of my life but still could happen in real world. Some of them I can remember and try to write them down because I think it will become a break point in the future. This one is actually very helpful. I believe that human brain can be most functional when it does not need do anything other than imagine and explore more new ideas. My brain could get so crazy that I could not believe how that would happened in my mind. This way does not necessary just occur in dreams while I sleep, I can also get when I stare at one point and become empty, because that is when the brain rests. In the future, when I work with more and more creative people and the field becomes more competitive, my crazy dreams might become a breaking point. From now on, I should record every single subconscious spark when my brain is resting. 
Take a Break
If the one above is getting ideas, I think this one may apply to the progress of something. As I said before, brain will work best when it does not do anything, so when I become stuck in the middle of a project, I should take a break like get something to drink or to go out to see a movie. When a person is very concentrate on what he is doing, he may easily ignore some important parts which he will discover when he is off for a moment. I like take a break, or I could say I always take a break. Sometimes I may fall in asleep, talk to my friends or get lunch or dinner. After I come back from break, I can observe something new and work more efficiently. For my own creative life, this will be the same technique for keeping myself on the right and more creative track on my project. 
Hang Out with Diverse Groups of People
I have much to say about this suggestion because I am experience this right now. I know the diverse is not necessary about nationalities and ethnic groups, but being a international student, I have learnt so much from Americans since I first come here. I have learnt not only just different background or eduction system, but the way I look at things. After I come to the U.S., I can think the problems in more angles, see people in different was other than appearance and come up an idea more easily. Even though I can meet many different people in China, they still have some in common with me. In contrast, Americans are totally different from me, language, background, culture, and education everything is different. The only common things between me and them when I first come here was the music, Jacky Chan and Bruce Lee, the age and don’t like homework. Now, because I have communicated with them and learn from them for a long time, I have more common things that we can seat down at a coffee shop and talk about. Not only Americans, but also includes those international student from other countries. Lucky me of these experiences, I become easily talk to people that different from me, which means everybody, but with some same interests. In the creative life, sometimes the idea may come from a friend that so different me. I always want to make a movie or short on certain people I know and have very interesting life stories. I believe everyone on the earth have story that could be made for a movie, so to meet diverse people is a great way to start. 
Prompt #12: What “failed experiment” or unexpected outcome might be interesting for you to reconsider? Who else might you invite to participate in this effort?
I haven’t have much “failed experiment” in this creative field, but I always want to do two things: to make a film of my host mother and to make a film or animation based on my favorite fictional gay story. First my host mother in Philadelphia, because she and her neighbor's story were so amazing that I think I should use my own way to tell their story. The second one about the gay story, I want to do this because I think love can conquer everything, no matter age, nationality, ethnic group, and gender. I think two handsome man together is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. Although there is more and more people accept gays, and there are many gay movies, I just want do it myself. There is a certain way to express things, like musician can play their favorite songs, the artiest can draw their favorite subject, and I can make a movie that based on my favorite things. The people I might invite would be people that interested in. I know some of my friends think the same with me, but everybody is too little to complete a project herself, I think I could organize them someday and make a movie we like.  

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Assignment 1A: Creative Person

What kind f creative person am I? Em...That is a very good question. I am the creative person that start using my creativity in the middle of process of something. That means sometimes I couldn't get an very creative idea in the beginning, but while I progress my project, I become more creative and will change many things I have done early in the process. Hope this may make sense. However, after I am done, when I see other people's work, I will say to myself, "why I did not think of that? That is so cool." I would say the most creative things I make is during sleep. Before I fall in asleep, I would think tons of idea of my project, my future new home, or my life in the future; and in my dreams, I always dream very strange things. One day I told my father about my wired dreams, he said I should write those down so someday may become a creative idea.

Actually, no one or I can't remember who directly inspire me to be this kind of creative person or to choose this major. Before I came to the U.S. four years ago, I would never think of me involved in the industry that need a lot of creativity, team work, and knowledge from many field. Also, when I was in China, we as student did not get many opportunities to explore our creativities. The event that inspires me become a creative person was to involve in doing yearbook of my high school after I came to the U.S. Planning the template and all that stuff needed creativity, too. Since then, I become interested in media and finally I decided to choose this major, which I think I can meet more and more creative people who could inspire me more.

1. Pirates of Caribbean by Gore Verbinski

Many people familiar with Captain Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl. I have not watched until this winter, (I know I am behind with all famous movies) and as soon as I finish The Curse of Black Pearl, I felled in love with the movie. I loved it not only the characters were handsome and beautiful, but also the way it composed was amazing.  I watched the preparation and back the scene segments, and there were much work to find a port, build a exact smaller-protion ship, and set the cave in studio in Los Angeles. Form the movie, we can see the contrast and affinity between these characters and the scenes. For example, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner have different goals and want different to sail on the sea, but they are the same to have goals and know how to trade with others and each other. They all have something to protect.This movie haven't inspire me anything in my work yet, but it inspires me to think more widely and to learn more knowledge in every field. By the way, I also love the music in the movie by Klaus Badelt, which was completely bound with the movie.

2. Home Alone 2 by Chris Columbus

This is the first movie I saw when I was a kid. At that time, the only thing that "inspired" me was "I really want to the U.S. for Christmas."Now it comes true. The movie is not like those 1 billion budget and 2 billion profit movies, it is a family movie with some elements of adventure and comedy and was a holiday movie, so it is very relaxed. Consciously, the movie presents that the kid is very smart and used his creativity and some help to bit two bad guys. Subconsciously, it says that adult are so arrogant that ignore children's power and eventually lead themselves to failure. When people become adult, the dark and cruel side of true society conquer their purity. In contrast, the children can use their imagination and do what they want, even though they make mistakes that not too serious, they can be forgiven. Here it inspires me: a lot of times, we can found inspiration of ideas from children's action and words, and we sometimes can think like a child.

3. Winter Tales by Sergey Yazvinsky

I found this video after somebody told me this great website for video making. I am learning stop-motion animation now and this certainly will inspire me in my work later of the quarter. Sergey Yazvinsky was very creative, he uses a vacuum as the main character. There were no narration or actual text, but the images can pretend to be the imagine text. The text says that if vacuum have a hand, he can do many things other than clean the floor. Behind the text, there is a massage about that only a few things could change the whole life.

Finally, the goal of me to be more creative is too watch more television shows and movies, so I could find more creative videos more easily.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Too Early for the class

This is the only 8 a.m class of the week, and this is the first week. I finally know what my friends said about the early classes: Too Early!!! I was registered for 5 p.m lab, but I have other things to do at that time. When I saw this lab was open, I changed immediately. This is only one I could registered. I think is better because I can get done earlier, and this is not conflict with my activities I am working on. Also, get up early is good for me...kind of. It's too early, but it doesn't matter, because this is not a lecture class, so I won't fall in asleep. ^0^